PennDOT ARLE Funding Program
The Automated Red Light Enforcement Transportation Enhancements Grant Program (ARLE Funding Program) was established in 2010 as a PennDOT-administered competitive grant program in accordance with Vehicle Code (75 Pa.C.S.) §3116(l)(2), §3117(m)(2), and §3370(m)(2) §3117(m)(2). Funding for the program is generated from the net revenue of fines collected through Automated Red Light Enforcement Systems and Automated Speed Enforcement Systems. Grant applications are accepted annually during the month of June.
Apply for Funding
Grant administration
Pennsylvania Automated Red Light Enforcement Systems
The primary purpose of ARLE Systems in Pennsylvania is to improve safety at signalized intersections by providing automated enforcement at locations where red light running has been an issue. ARLE is a tool to help improve safety at intersections by delivering an automated enforcement activity that would otherwise be done by a police officer, if enough resources were evailable. By implementing ARLE, it allows police departments to focus their resources on serious crimes while the ARLE system provides 24/7 automated enforcement at dangerous red-light running intersections.
Pennsylvania Automated Speed Enforcement Systems
Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) Systems were first authorized by Act 86 of 2018, which established a pilot program on U.S. Route 1 (Roosevelt Boulevard) between Ninth Street and the Philadelphia County Line shared with Bucks County. ASE Systems are a technological tool to automatically monitor designated road segments for speeding violations on a 24/7 basis. The pilot program is administered by the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA). More information is available at the PPA website.